Scholarship Foundation in honour of the memories of Mr. Vincent Nweke Ezekwe & Mrs. Roseline Oriaku Ezekwe.
Scholarship Foundation in honour of the memories of Mr. Vincent Nweke Ezekwe & Mrs. Roseline Oriaku Ezekwe.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 08:00-16:00



The Vin-Rose Ezekwe Scholarship Foundation (VRESF) was established in July 2020 to honor the memories of Mr. Vincent Nweke Ezekwe and Mrs. Roseline Oriaku Ezekwe, indigenes of Egbengwu Nimo, Anambra State, Nigeria. The VRESF is a non-profit philanthropic foundation registered in the USA. The main purpose of the foundation is to award academic scholarships to students from Egbengwu Nimo studying in public high schools and universities in Nigeria. The scholarships are awarded to students who provide documented evidence of academic excellence and demonstrated need for financial support. To be eligible for the scholarship awards, potential candidates must participate fully in the selection process and submit all required documents before the closing date for submission of applications. All late entries will be disqualified. Note: Only students from Egbengwu Nimo are eligible to apply for these scholarships.


The scholarship awardees will be selected through ranking of academic records, personal biography, and if necessary, interviews. Only finalist candidates may be invited for interviews if needed. Since the main selection process relies exclusively on results/transcripts of academic performance submitted by candidates, it is especially important that these results/transcripts should be legible, verifiable, and authenticated. Submission of falsified and/or forged documents will lead to immediate disqualification. No exceptions will be granted for falsified/forged documents.


The scholarship award (in the form of a lump sum) is designed to cover the following fees and costs:

1. Tuition fees
2. Boarding costs (feeding plus accommodation)
3. Books
4. Stipend

The lump sum award amount would be given directly to the awardee or deposited directly into bank account of the awardee as determined by the sponsor due to prevailing circumstances. It is the responsibility of the awardee to use the funds in pursuit of academic activities. Verification of substantive evidence of diversion of funds for non-academic purposes would lead to disqualification of the awardee and denial of the lump sum award in future years.


Scholarship recipients are required to sign an enforceable contract with the foundation. The contract obligates the recipients to meet and/or maintain the following requirements:
1. Excellent academic records. For all students, this is an average of B for all courses taken in a given academic year.
2. Good and exemplary character. Students charged and/or convicted of a crime will be automatically disqualified to continue with the scholarship.
3. Active school attendance. Any absence from school or sustained non-attendance of classes will lead to termination of the award.
4. Results/Transcripts submission. It is the responsibility of the student to submit results/transcripts from all courses at the end of each term/semester. Award funds will not be disbursed until such performance results are submitted. Note that repeated delay in submission of performance results may lead to termination of the scholarship award solely at the discretion of the foundation.


The scholarship awards are need-based and merit-based. The need-based aspect of the scholarship program means that it is limited to students that have demonstratable financial needs. These are exceptional students in our communities that do not have financial support to sustain their academic pursuits. Consequently, these scholarship awards are limited to students who are currently enrolled in or plan to attend public high schools and universities in Nigeria.


The number of scholarship awards granted each year will vary depending on the quality of applicants. The foundation estimates that at least fifteen percent (15%) of the applicants in each category (high school or university) will be awarded scholarships in each year.